The story-line has no recognizable overture, development and resolution, as the audience is left with unanswered questions all the time. For example, we never know why Cornelius leaves his home in the first place, and why decides to come back after so many years. It is suggested midway past the film that it had something to do with a football game and something Red Rooster told him or did to him. But we never find out why he left because when Ezra asks Cornelius what he (Red Rooster) did to him, the preacher interrupts the scene with his entrance. At no other point in the film is this question answered and we are left wondering.
The characters are childlike at times and speak with comedic dialogue. But the movie shows a messed up character study by the way it presents its characters in strange situations. Ezra is a gay germ freak, always cleaning the house, and he acts as an awkward mother figure. Cornelius is very quiet; he drinks and does drugs, and is somehow a prodigy athlete. Amos is the childlike artist that draws grotesque