sexually transmitted diseases Essay

Submitted By kd222
Words: 1426
Pages: 6

Sexually Transmitted Infection
Causative Agent (Cause)
Describe and Explain the Effects and Symptoms
Identify and Explain Treatment and Prevention
• Primarily transmitted by sexual intercourse or during pregnancy

• It is through direct contact with a syphilis sore which are found on the penis, vagina, anus, in the rectum, or on the lips or in the mouth

• Can also be transmitted from an infected mother to her unborn baby
• Nicknamed, “The great imitator,” as there are many possible symptoms

• The majority of symptoms also look like symptoms of other diseases

• First infection (primary stage), is a painless (easily unnoticed) syphilis sore, located where the infection entered the body, it will heal even if not treated, which can be mistaken for ingrown hair, a harmless bump, etc.

• During the second stage of syphilis, a non-itchy body rash develops (can be all over the body or be located in a few areas such as, the soles of your feet or the palms of your hands.

• You could also be infected but have very mild symptoms or none at all

• Other symptoms are; open sores, sore throat, headaches, muscle aches, swollen lymph glands, patchy hair loss, weight loss and fatigue.

• After about a month, the sore and rash can disappear, this can be misunderstood by the person in thinking it has gone away, while actually you can still have syphilis for years to come without having anymore symptoms

• The effects if left untreated will eventually lead to; damage in the brain, nerves, eyes, heart, joints, liver, bones, and blood vessel.

• In extreme cases (latent and late stages), can cause paralysis, mental illness, gradual blindness, difficulty co-ordinating muscle movements and even death.

• If you’re pregnant, it can cause serious birth defects and stillbirth.
• Methods of prevention are; not having sex, having a mutually monogamous relationship with your partner and has been tested and has negative STD test results and using latex condoms and dental dams the correct way during all sexual experiences

• It can be cured with the right antibiotics (intramuscular penicillin G, oral Azithromycin, doxycycline and tetracycline depending) prescribed by your doctor, but damage already done from infection will not be cured.

• The longer you have the infection, the more difficult it is to treat and the more permanent damage it can do.
• Caused by the Bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoea

• The infection is transmitted through anal, vaginal or oral sex with someone infected and can affect both genders

• A mother can also transmit the disease to her child during childbirth.
• Some men may have no symptoms at all but if they do they could be; burning sensations during urination, coloured (white, yellow or green) discharge from the penis and painful or swollen testicles

• Most women infected don’t have symptoms but if they do they could be; burning sensations during urination, increased vaginal discharge and vaginal bleeding between periods.

• For most women with symptoms, are usually very mild and can be mistaken for bladder or vaginal infections

• Rectal infection symptoms for both genders are; discharge, itchiness, bleeding, soreness and painful bowel movements, if the symptoms appear at all.

• If left untreated, women can develop pelvic inflammatory disease which causes infertility, scar tissue, etc.

• If left untreated, men can develop painful conditions in the tubes attached to the testicles and rare cases can cause sterilization

• Rare effects would be if the infection spread to your blood or joints which is life threatening.

• Also increases your chances of getting or giving HIV – the AIDS causing virus.
• Methods of prevention are; not having sex, having a mutually monogamous relationship with your partner and has been tested and has negative STD test results and using latex condoms and dental dams the correct way during all sexual experiences

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