Silhouette Gundam Case Study

Words: 367
Pages: 2

"You got it." She responded with a cold, straight to the point statement. Her hands were shaking from all the excitement, though you could hardly tell with her gripping the control orbs. Her Silhouette Gundam landed on the ground and remained in position, taking advantage of the fact that the VSBR was already in position to fire again and prepared another shot.
It was a gamble, to be sure. The Silhouette Gundam didn't have much firepower behind it and, as it stood, it was sparking and couldn't hold thruster power for sustained periods. Thankfully her VSBR was unaffected. She removed a hand from one of the control orbs and started tapping on the keyboard input, changing certain variables to ensure that the next VSBR shot would be at its best.