Skeletal System Research Paper

Words: 798
Pages: 4

The skeletal system is an intricate series of hard and usually cylindrical tubes that work to give your body form and hold you up. The skeleton begins in your head with the skull and moves down your back in numerous interconnecting vertebrae that connect to the clavicle and the pelvic girdle. These connect to even more bones.
The pectoral girdle connects the arms to the axial skeleton and consists of both the left and right clavicles along with the left and right scapulae. The humerus is the bone of the upper arm and creates the ball and socket joint of the shoulder with the scapula. The radius and ulna are both two bones of the forearm. The ulna is on the medial side of the forearm and forms a hinge joint with the aforementioned humerus
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The Cranial are the frontal, ethmoid, parietal, sphenoid, temporal, and occipital bones while the facial bones are simply made up of the zygomatic and lacrimal bones. The frontal bone encapsulates the anterior portion of the brain and is separated into two parts. The squamous or vertical section is a flat bone that makes up the forehead. While the orbital section consists of two similar plates that create the nasal cavities.
The zygomatic bones form the cheek bones and articulates with the temporal, frontal, sphenoid, and maxilla bones; the lacrimal bones are the smallest of the facial bones and create the middle wall of the orbit; the Inferior nasal conchae are located inside of the nasal cavity and helps extend its surface area allowing more air into and out of the body. Along with these the Vomer is another bone creating the nasal area with it creating the posterior nasal septum.
The Palatine are located next to the rear of the oral cavity and forms a section of the hard platelet along with the Maxilla which creates part of the upper jaw and the rest of the hard platelet. The mandible Articulates with the base of the cranium at the temporomandibular joint or