Social Program: Medicaid

Words: 1291
Pages: 6

The social program chosen is Medicaid. Medicaid is a program that was established in 1965 along with Medicare to provide free and low-cost health care coverage for low income adults, children, pregnant women, senior citizens and people with disabilities. This program was implemented at a state and federal government level. This program allowed low income families and individuals to utilize doctor services without worrying about receiving large bills. The determining factor to be eligible for the Medicaid program is person’s income.
My reason for choosing to discuss this program was because it is one of the most discussed topics in the government today. The government has proposed that one of the determining factors of being eligible for
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Just like in Canada. If you are a citizen, you automatically have healthcare. The premiums with most employers are too expensive for low income families to afford, particularly when they earn minimum wage. Affordable medical insurance through your employers are unlikely today. The opportunity Medicaid services should be available due to this reason; nevertheless, you would have to provide proof of said expenses to show you cannot afford the employer’s healthcare coverage.
My suggestion on the determining factors of eligibility should be changed in some ways. For one, the income limits that determine the eligibility should be raised. Expenses should be part of the eligibility requirements. Also, my thoughts regarding the fact of having over $2,000 in assets could result in denial of Medicaid benefits, should be removed. While a person may have over $2,000 in assets, would not compare to the hospital bills. To sum up, a person being penalized for not having healthcare coverage should also be
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This easing the stress factors of being afraid to seek medical assistance when needed. As long as they meet the eligibility criteria they would continue to utilize the Medicaid services. The program does not work in regards to the income determination, which is truly unrealistic for some families/individuals. Right now, to be eligible for services you have to make almost nothing. For some that would be totally impossible.
The program is controlled by the state and federal government. Both parties support the program. They agree all persons should have medical coverage; notwithstanding, one party over the other would like to have more stipulations with how you are able to receive Medicaid benefits through the state. The program is federally funded, which really makes it hard for me to understand why most republicans are trying to make the eligibility requirements so difficult. The funding for the program is not in jeopardy right now. As of today, 4/18/2018, the Medicaid work requirement, that was motioned prior, has received oks to move forward. They are looking at an effective date for this to take place in October 2018. Multiple republican governed states have already begun the move toward the enactment of work requirements for