He can be himself there and doesn’t have to worry about his father beating up on his mother, his sisters despising him, or his mother being the small, helpless woman that she is. Pilates home is Milkman’s childhood, the good parts anyway. But as Milkman grows up he seems to forget all the good that happened there. He goes to the home filled with greed steals what he believes to be her inheritance, he even was willing to knock her down for the gold. Later Milkman fells ashamed that he committed the crime and that he was willing to knock down the lady that cooked him his first perfect egg,who had shown him the sky, the woman that got him and Guitar out of prison when they betrayed her and the woman that is the very reason he is alive. He broke into the only house that he knew “that achieved comfort without one article of comfort in it” (301) and that showed him love whenever he came no matter what he