Strategic Analysis for Imax Essay

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Pages: 41

Term of Refrences: We have refered to the book that was assigned to us in this semster which is Management (10th edition) by Stephen Robbins, Mary Coulter and Nehrika Vohra. We also consulted Strategic Management: An Integrated Approch (8th edition) by Charles Hill and Gareth Jones. Another two books that helped us to analyse this case study were Startegic Management : Creating Competitive Advantage (5th edition) by Gregory Dess, G.T Lumpkin and Alan Eisner and Strategic Management (6th edition) by John Pearce and Richard Robinsons Description of Report: In Section 1 we analyize the corporate strategy of IMAX corporation followed by their integration strateges. In Section 2 we access the comparitive advantage of IMAX
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Megasystem later stopped its production of projction systems and renamed itself to Pollavision. Now Pollavision is only involved in consultancy services of the large format film theaters. If we just analyize these three organizations i.e. IMAX, Iwerks and Pollavision, all of which were the manufactures of high definiton image producing projection systems, then the only organization left in the market that converts commercial movies into large format is IMAX. Its as good as a Monopolist in this feild. And if we analyize IMAX in the category of Studios and theaters, then IMAX is relativily very small. IMAX stands at 12th position when it comes to studios, Disney taking the lead with 1st position. We think it would not effect IMAX if it didnt merge with other studios. It is because of the reason that cosumers have now fully become aware of IMAX format movies,the demand of watching movie in large format is increasing. And IMAX has expereinced a growth rate of 128% in the 1st quater of 2010 alone. It if merges with other studio, it wont be able to work with rest of the studios. IMAX should launch many more commercial theatres where it can run converted Hollywood movies of 35mm to large format so that it can compete against large theatres like Regal Enternaintment Group.

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Market Share High IMAX System Sales Production of Movies Low Conversion of Movies into IMAX