The new emperor entered the city on foot, he embraced each of the senators and even walked among the ordinary people. This was unlike any other Roman emperor and perhaps grants us a glimpse of Trajan's true greatness.
Such modesty and openess easily helped the new emperor gain yet more support during the first years of his reign.
Such humility and respect for the senate as well as for the simple people showed when Trajan promised that he would always keep the senate informed about the affairs of government and when he declared that the emperor's right to rule was to be compatible with the freedom of the people who were ruled.
Trajan was an educated but not an especially learned man, who no doubt was a powerful, very masculine figure. He loved hunting, ranging through forests and even climbing mountains. Further he possessed a true sense of dignity and humility which in the eyes of the Romans made him an emperor of true virtue.
Under Trajan the programme of public works was enlarged substantially.
Thoughout Trajan's reign there was an ever-increasing programme of public works.
The roads network in Italy was renovated, sections which