Summary: 340B Drug Pricing Program

Words: 645
Pages: 3

Read Case 13 340B Drug Pricing Program Oversight on pages 380-388 of your text. Once you have read the case, you are to address these questions. The word limit per response is 200 words.

1. What seems to be the true intent of the 340B drug discount program?

The U.S Federal Government enacted the 340B Drug Discount Program in 1992 as a subsection of the Public Health Services Act through the Department of Health and Human Services. According to the Department of Health and Human Services the intent of this law states, “The 340B Drug Pricing Program requires drug manufacturers to provide outpatient drugs to eligible health care organizations/covered entities at significantly reduced prices.” Also adding that the program enables covered entities to stretch scarce Federal resources as far as possible, reaching patients that are more eligible and providing more comprehensive services. The textbook goes into more detail including who all are covered under the “covered
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According to the 340B Drug Discount Program, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms are required by the law to give out these discounts to the eligible or covered entities. One impact the ACA will have on the 340B program is the fact that it will greatly increase the consumption of 340B drugs. Furthermore, the “Review and Analysis of the 340B Program” conducted by the pharmaceutical and biotechnological firms states its concerns (p. 385). Such concern includes whether an indigent patient will truly benefit from the program, whether the expansion of the program will affect the decision of the providers by taking advantage of the discounts, as well as the concern for displacement of non-340B providers (p. 385). Overall, the ACA has a major impact on not only the pharmaceutical and biotechnological firms but also the indigent patients and the decisions of the