Summary Of Anthem By Ayn Rand

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Pages: 3

When people have a higher control over individuals, it can often lead to loss of freedom and rights. In many ways, it can be hard to escape their power without major consequences taking place. Ayn Rand, the author of “Anthem,” shows us that escaping a lack of freedom comes with time and effort. In the story, Equality discovers that there is more to life than what he’s been living. In the process of exploring freedom, he runs into some conflict, but has hope in getting the majority of freedom.

In “Anthem,” the people living in the society want to experience freedom and what life in their own mind would be like. But since they live in a world where the government has all the power, it restricts them from ever doing so. Equality says “To be free, a man must be free of his brothers. That is the freedom of choice. This and nothing else.” (Page 101). Equality is saying that once he got to the point of freedom, where he was able to use the word “I”, he realized that being away from his brothers, or other people in the society, is what made him free because they were all the same person. Everyone living in the society wants to experience freedom and what life in their own mind would be like, but not all can accomplish that dream.
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On page 95, Equality states “Neither am I the means to any ends others may wish to accomplish. I am not a tool for their use. I am not a servant of their needs. I am not a bandage for their wounds. I am not a sacrifice of their altars.” This shows that Equality will no longer accept being controlled and used by the government and he can finally use the freedom he deserves after years of it being trapped in the back of their minds, finally leaving Equality with the successful journey of