Summary: Soil Structure Decline

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Pages: 4

In Australia, soil structure is on the decline, with a much higher bulk density, which is over 1.6 g/cm3 which makes it harder fro roots to grow, Another reason for the decline of soil structure is the vaster crusting and hard setting soils, a great way to stop this is to use gypsum. A decrease in organic matter is interrupting the ecosystem. Rill and sheet erosion is a serious problem on many farms, because the soil structure decline leads to increased run off and less resistance to erosion. Toad rush or (Juncus bufonius) is a solid indicator for soil structure decline because it only grows where water had ponded on the surface. There are three layers of soil, surface soil, subsurface soil and subsoil, all are affected by soil
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No-till system avoids disturbing the soil with tools like chisel plows, field cultivators, disks, and plows.

Benefits of Zero Tillage:
• Reduced work
• Improved soil structure
• Reduced soil compaction
Reduced work: with no tillage, which means no one is disrupting the soil with high powered machines, this results in less fuel used which makes less pollution which in the end helps another plant or living animal or green. Also the equipment costs are a big cost to farmers and if they use the no tillage system in their soil, it saves them money, which they can spend on more land or fertilizers to increase the quality of the plants.

Improved soil structure: tillage breaks the natural structure of soil and strips it of some of the carbon that they thrive on; the biology of the soil provides crops with the water and nutrients they need.

Reduced soil compaction: soil gets compacted every time a machine drives on the surface. The weight of farm equipment compacts the air and water pockets present in soil that allow for the movement of water, crop roots, and soil organisms.
Effects zero tillage has on fertility of
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Strip Cropping
What Is Strip Cropping?
Strip cropping, practice of growing field crops in narrow strips either at right angles to the direction of the prevailing wind, or following the natural contours of the terrain to prevent wind and water erosion of the soil.

Benefits of strip cropping?
• If potatoes are grown using a strip cropping system in a three-year rotation with grain and hay, erosion rates can be reduced by 75% compared to farming up and down the slope with the similar rotation.
• If your using cross-slope farming you will use less horse power and fuel which decreases pollution.
• Strip-cropping renders the need to haul hay or straw to the potato field if it is to be mulched.

Gypsum Application
What is Gypsum?
A soft white or grey mineral consisting of hydrated calcium sulphate. It occurs chiefly in sedimentary deposits and is used to make plaster of Paris and fertilizers, and in the building