Syllabus: Entrepreneurship and Business Plan Essay

Submitted By Sarmad2
Words: 590
Pages: 3

Course Syllabus
Business Plan Development, Entrepreneurship
Spring 2013

Office Hours: Tuesday 1:00 – 4:00pm, by appointment

A. Course Text: Barringer, Bruce R. (2009). Preparing Effective Business Plans: An Entrepreneurial Approach, Pearson Prentice Hall. (PEBP)

B. Acquire and read this book, “The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It,” Michael E. Gerber…and answer the following questions:

1. What is the entrepreneurial myth? (one page) 2. What role do the technician, manager and entrepreneur play in a business? (one page) 3. What does Gerber mean by the phrase,” Your Primary Aim?” (one page) 4. What is “Your Strategic Objective” and what are the first two standards? Why do these standards matter to a potential start-up business? (two pages) 5. Write a one page Executive Summary Conclusion of your top three learning’s from this book. (one page)

Please use 11 point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced with your name, Red ID and date clearly on the top right of the first page.

Student Learning Objectives of this Course

1. Utilize screening and feasibility tools and be able to conduct a feasibility analysis to determine the worthiness of a potential new business idea.

2. Complete business plan including the development of an executive summary, industry and market analysis, a marketing strategy and plan, operation plans, product/service development plan and company structure.

3. Identify financial requirements of a new business and be able to understand and develop pro forma financial statements (e.g. income statement, balance sheet, cash flow, etc.)

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|Grading Assignments |Type | | |
| | | | |
|Elevator Pitch |I |5% |25 |
|One Page Bus. Overview |I |5% |25 |
|Quick Business Model |I |5% |25 |
|Refined Business Model |I |10% |50 |
|Emyth Paper |I |10% |50 |
|Mid Term |I | 15% |75 |
| | | | |
|Refined Business Model |G |10% |50 |
|Plan Presentation |G |15% |75 |
|Final Business Plan |G |25% |125 |
| | | | |
|Total Points | | |500 |

(I = Individual, G= Group)

The grading for this course is as follows: approximately 50% of your grade will come from individual assignments and 50% will come from your group projects. The total number of points available in this course is 500.

Your grade at the end of this course is your grade. No additional extra credit. Take the course work seriously.
