Symbols In The Pearl Of The World

Words: 668
Pages: 3

The pearl or as Kino and the rest of the villagers referred to it “The Pearl of the World” symbolized many things. These things include greed, evil and jealousy, and in a less negative way it symbolized hope. The pearl also seemed to change Kino’s personalities throughout the book as if it were magical. Even though the community never got a hold of it, they all had an opinion and the pearl seem to influence their ways just as much as they influenced Kino. Before finding the pearl Kino was just another villager. He was happy with his son and partner Juana but the situation changed after finding the pearl. The villagers were the same but greed and jealousy changed their ways.

To start with, the pearl itself symbolized many things. First, it symbolized hope. The person who discovered the pearl, Kino had dreams. He dreamed of getting his son Coyotito through school and marrying his partner. Later on, the pearl symbolized the opposite of hopes and dreams. After much time with the pearl its owner grew greed and ambitiousness, the pearl made him as mad that to a point Kino assaulted Juana such thing he had never done before. The pearl changed who ever got a hold of it. Furthermore, the pearl symbolized evil. After spending time with the pearl Kino began to hear evil music. For example, as stated in chapter 1 “In his mind a new
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With the pearl he can be what he never was before, special and known. He dreams of getting married, have shoes, own a gun that his child learns to read and have a future. As shown in chapter 2 “And to Kino the secret melody of the maybe pearl broke clear and beautiful, rich and warm and lovely, glowing and gloating and triumphant. In the surface of the great pearl he could see dream forms”. Later on other emotions become known as well. Kino becomes greedy. Kino only thinks of wealth. When Kino was told the low amount of money he was going to be given for the pearl he grew in anger and said it was worth