Tanzania Diet Research Paper

Words: 485
Pages: 2

You all have probably heard of the Jenny Kreg and Weight Watcher diets but now the head of TVT Dr. Jeff Davis is bringing a new diet to school for TVT families to try. This diet is called the Tanzania diet. In the next month TVT will be hosting another TVT Cares food packing event. This time we will be packing double the amount of food. Half of the food will be sent to Tanzania while the other half will be distributed between TVT families from grades TK-12th. For a whole week the families will be asked to live off of the dry meals that they have helped to pack. This project is being brought to TVT in hopes to instill a deeper level of empathy for those who are less fortunate than us. Our head of school Dr. Jeff Davis is very proud about this project and can’t wait to implement it at TVT. …show more content…
I honestly feel that by doing this diet we can further help our children understand what empathy is and why it is important to help to repair the world. This will all just further help our students to embody our jewish values we wish them to live by such as Tekun O’lam.” When originally planning this diet there was supposed to be a 72 hour fast before starting the diet to better understand the feeling and hardships of malnutrition. However both Dr. Jeff Davis and the school board got push back for the idea. Dr. Jeff Davis has also brought in an orthodox rabbi form Beth Jacobs to inspect the food quality to make sure it was kosher enough for our religious families at TVT. It was very important to Dr. Davis that we got 100% participation from the school. During the week of the diet Dr. Jeff Davis wants to notify parents that there will be no hot lunches or will students be allowed to go to the