Tbaytel Owned Spectrum Case Study

Words: 593
Pages: 3

From a high level view Tbaytel has solid spectrum holdings throughout much of Northwestern Ontario but it is weaker in some areas than others. Before understanding the highly variable spectrum holdings, a good understanding is required of the fragmented spectrum license areas that make up Northwestern Ontario.

Tbaytel’s current spectrum position would exceedingly more easy to understand if it wasn’t for this fragmentation. The map has come to look this way from years of spectrum transfers and a competitive environment where carriers of the past have struggled to serve the Northwest.
Now that the areas are understood, let’s review holdings and the issues specific to each. It should be noted that the below is focused on owned spectrum, not subordinate.
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When you add in the spectrum that Tbaytel Subordinates from other carriers, you get a more accurate picture of Tbaytel’s current ecosystem.

Table 3: Tbaytel Owned & Subordinate Spectrum
Zone 1 2 3 4 5
Band TEL-24 – Thunder Bay TEL-76/TEL-64/3-35/TEL-66 – Algoma/Nipigon /Whitefish/Oxdrift TEL-26 – Dryden TEL-25/TEL-55/TEL-78 – Kenora and Surrounding TEL-68/TEL-48/2-09/3-38 – Hwy 11/17
850 35.0 20.0 35.0 10.0 25.0
PCS 20.0 10.0 20.0 20.0