Speak to Lymm Dental about our services. In Timperley, teeth implants are suitable for a single tooth or multiple tooth replacement. The implant has a similar shape to the natural tooth root and is then placed into a similarly placed hole in the jaw bone. The bone incorporates the implant. Once this has healed the implant is ready for the crown to be attached. Every crown on an implant is custom made so that it matches and enhances your surrounding teeth. …show more content…
Contact Lymm Dental today and speak to one of our experts about teeth implants. We will book an appointment, and we will discuss the procedure with you. We will also provide complete treatment plan for you to consider. Teeth implants are suitable for those in good general health. The success rate of the implants will also depend on your smoking and alcohol consumption, as these habits will inhibit the healing of the bone and tissues around the implant. You may be advised to cut down, or stop these habits before having the treatment. In your initial consultation, your mouth will be carefully examined to ensure that your adjacent teeth and gums are in good health. Why regain your self-confidence and consider teeth