Zach -- unfortunately -- is tormented by his perpetual “disordered thinking” (Veague 1) as he battles this “psychotic disorder that causes severe mental disturbances that disrupt thoughts, speech and behavior” (Veague 1). Zach often has difficulty deciphering perception versus reality and feels the “need to decide if this situation is real or not” because on occasion he “know[s] what’s going on, and other times [he] [doesn’t] have a clue” (Trueman 6). Zach is aware that he is not like others, for “[he] get[s] massively confused” (Trueman 7). Zach is not the only perplexed party in his scenario; society views him as stupid, retarded, or a “wasteoid” (Trueman 12), wherein reality he is actually intelligent. The reason society’s perception of Zach is skewed is due to his reaction to certain scenarios. Zach does not present himself as having an above average I.Q. (intelligence quotient) in situations he encounters; a prime example was during a hostage situation, all Zach could think about is taking his medicine and candy