The Brain and Cranial Nerves Essay

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The Brain and Cranial Nerves

One of the most complex and fascinating things in the human body is the brain. The body is "capable of almost everything, but it would not be possible, without the brain receiving information, and analyzing the information." The brain is aware of its surroundings, via input from the spinal cord and cranial nerves. Cranial nerves with sensory functions allow us to smell and see. Nerves with both motor and sensory functions are responsible for everything from tasting and chewing, to breathing and the heating of your heart. Many of the little things we take for granted are also made possible by cranial nerves. Solving problems, feeling hungry, laughing. Each of these activities occurs in a different
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Cranial Nerve I – The Olactory Nerve. This nerve has only a special sensory component. Special sensory is the sense of smell or olfaction. Cranial Nerve II – The Optic Nerve. The optic nerve has only a social sensory component, this special sensory conveys visual information from the retina. Cranial Nerve III – The Oculomotor Nerve. This nerve consists of two components with distinct functions. The somatic motor supplies four of the six extraocular muscles of the eye and the levator palpebroce superioris muscle of the upper eyelid. The visceral motor through the parasyimpathetic innervations of the constrictor pupil and ciliary's muscles. The visceral motor component is in the papillary light so by reflex your pupil will dilate or not. Cranial Nerve IV – The Trochlear Nerve. The trochlear nerve has only a somatic motor component. The somatic motor signal the superior oblique muscle of the contralateral orbit. The superior oblique muscle is one of the six extraocular muscles responsible for the precise movement of the eye for visual tracking or fixation on an object. Cranial Nerve V – The Trigeminal Nerve. This cranial nerve has three components. The nerve has three branches – the opthalmie nerve that is sensory for your face and mouth. The maxillary nerve for chewing and the mandibular nerve for sensation of pain and the jaw. Cranial Nerve VI – The Abducens Nerve. This nerve has only a