The Four Way Test: The 4-Way Test

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Pages: 3

The 4-\Way Test involves taking four principals and using them to gauge situations and determine the correct course of action. These are: 1) Is it the truth? 2) ls it fair to all concerned? 3) Will it build good will and better friendships? 4) Will it be beneficial to all concerned? These standards are very neutral which makes them applicable in many different situations. As we will see in the following paragraphs, I dive into the meaning behind each standard and compare it to my own experiences. Is it the truth? When trying to define “truth,” one musty have a previously established set of morals or codes that are unfaltering and well established. Since laws and governments can change with the drop of a hat, I have chosen to follow religion …show more content…
This one perplexes some people initially. What I have realized is that being treated fairly, and being happy, are very different. When faced with a decision, we have already established that it is the truth, now, we need to establish how fair it is. When making choices the effect a number of people, you will never make everyone one hundred percent happy no matter what you decide. That is the reality of working with a group of individuals. Each person has their own unique thought process and reasoning and with that, you can never accomplish complete perfection unless it is exactly their way. While that might be achievable in one on one, with groups, it can never be done no matter how hard you try. As a leader in my community, I have had to differentiate between fair and happy. Achieving a fair neutral is something that requires patience and practice. When placed in a leadership position, you have been entrusted with the responsibility to ensure everyone is treated fairly, not to ensure that they are happy all the …show more content…
When I have been faced with difficult decisions, I look to my friends and mentors for guidance and assistance. From this I have found that having deep meaningful relationships with your family and community leads to a successful life. When you have the good will of the community behind you, doors are opened, and support is given in abundance. When I was working on my Eagle Scout project, found out just how caring and giving a community can be towards a good cause. I had more than enough materials and money to do the project over again if needed. When you take into consideration the implications that having a strong communal bond creates, you will find that you are trusted with more and more time and resources that are needed to reach your