The Influence Of Stress In Australia

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Pages: 5

Stress is a psychological and physical strain or tension that is generated by psychical, emotional or occupational. Stress can be difficult to manage or endure (Colman, 2015). Stress can also be harmful if you become over-stressed and if it interferes with our ability to get on with normal tasks (Australian Psychology Society, 2012). One in six young Australians is currently experiencing an anxiety condition. 15.4% of Australia aged 16 to 24 have experienced an anxiety disorder in the last 12 months. This is equal to 440,000 young people today (youth beyond blue, 2016). In 2015, investigation have shown that young adults aged (18 – 25), 26 – 35) reported to have the highest levels of depression and anxiety symptoms of all age groups. The investigation …show more content…
Work has shown to be the most common stressor in today’s society (WebMD, 2016). Two in five people have identified that work is a source of their stress (Spencer, 2006). Objects that causes stress in a workplace environment include being unhappy with your job, having a heavy load and a large responsibility, having poor time management, having to talk in front of a large group of your colleagues or working under dangerous conditions. There are many other stressors such as the death of a loved one, divorce, loss of job, injury, taking care of a sick elderly, getting married or even moving to a new home (Spencer, 2006).
Stress can also come from the inside instead of the outside. This is when worrying about the thing can lead to stress. Fear of uncertainty, for example, hearing about a threat of terrorist attacks, global warming, and toxic chemicals on the news, this can lead to your worrying and can eventually lead to stress, this is most likely going to occur when you can control a situation or event. Fear of uncertainty can also occur in a workplace environment or even at home when you have to hand an uncompleted project that is worth a high percentage or you don’t have enough money to pay a bill for the month (Spencer,
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As stress causes arousal and energy, physical activity like going for a run reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke this is due to when you are doing psychical activity your lungs expand, the heart strengthens, the lungs improve their functioning and the circulatory system, it reduces cholesterol and releases endorphins. When the human body is stressed bad chemicals are released and when the body is exercising the body uses these bad chemicals up (Spencer, 2006).
Meditation or relaxation is also a strives to prevent and reduce stress. When we these promote parasympathetic NS activity, this means that you are resting and restoring. (Text book). Meditation has been experienced over thousands of years. Meditation originally was designed to deepen understanding of the mystical forces of life. This has changed over the years and now is commonly used for relaxation and stress release. (,