The Jews want to survive the Holocaust but when they went into the concentration camps but they were starved, beaten, and murdered …show more content…
On page 56, Elie was asked by another prisoner if he wanted to get into a good unit and that he’d help Elie if he gave up his shoes but he refused to give them up. This emphasizes the fact that Elie needed to be selfish and keep his shoes so he wouldn’t get frostbite, or pain from the weather or just being on his feet so much. This relates to how they needed to think for themselves also how they can’t share because they are already really weak and dying. In the text it said that a man had went to the first cauldron of soup. The other Jews became jealous and the man committing suicide for a ration of tedious soup. This justifies that people who are desperate will do anything it takes to survive and sometimes we think with our bodies than our minds because the man was so hungry and just went for the soup without thinking what could happen to himself for doing that. A meaningful connection is that most of the Jews lost their families and are alone so they are really having to focus and save only their own life. The opposition might say that the jews need to be selfish but the evidence shows that the Jews didn’t have to be selfish and had to work