The Similarities of the Ancient Roman Government and the American Government Essay

Words: 1810
Pages: 8

Jarad Klaus


Final draft

The Similarities of the Ancient Roman Government and the American Government

Have you ever thought that the U.S. government is easily comparable to the Roman's version of government? Maybe that's because the U.S. government is roughly parallel with the Ancient Roman Government. The Romans did not have a constitution, like us Americans, but their division of executive, legislative, and judicial branches is similar. The Roman government served as a template for the American government. As you read further, you will see how the governmental structures, with detail, are similar by first making points on the American style contrasted with the Roman style of government. First, I am going to
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The executive branches in Rome were elected magistrates, which were held by at least two men. All members of a college were of equal rank and could veto acts of other members; higher magistrates could veto acts of lower magistrates. Here are the names of each office in the executive branch: Annual tenure, whose term was limited to one year. Consuls were the chief civil and military magistrate. Praetors, who had military command and administered civil law at Rome. Aediles were in charge of religious festivals, public games, temples, upkeep of city, regulation of marketplace, and grain supply. Quaestors, were financial officers and administrative assistants, and they were in charge of the state treasury at Rome, serve as quartermasters and seconds-in-command. Tribunes, charged with protection of lives and property of plebians, had power to veto over elections, laws, decrees of senate, and the acts of all other magistrates. Censors, were elected every 5 years to conduct census, enroll new citizens, review roll of senate; controlled public morals and supervised leasing of public contracts. In protocol ranked below praetors and above aediles, but still help enormous prestige and influence. Last is the dictator, who in times of military emergency appointed by consuls; the dictator would appoint a Master of the Horse to lead the cavalry; tenure limited to 6 months or duration of crisis, whichever was shorter and was not subject to veto (Guglielmo Ferrero). Last of the