Tri-Valley School Calendar

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Pages: 6

SRVEA President Anne Katzburg thanked Ms. Graswich for the thorough presentation and noted that the tri-valley school districts had discussed the calendar and noted that the current calendar was designed to keep the summers free for children to attend the harvest and this is no longer in practice.
Cary Ledingham, English teacher at Monte Vista stated the staff has been advocating for a change in calendar and a true break for students and staff. Ms. Ledingham asked her AP Lit class if they would be in favor of finals prior to winter break and heard a resounding yes. She feels that a calendar change would philosophically align with the updated homework policy.
Skye Larsh, Principal at Rancho Romero Elementary felt the process of the committee
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Graswich shared the timeline noting that the calendar must be bargained with the labor groups with the goal of taking the calendar to the Board no later than the December meeting.

Stacey Litteral parent in the district thanked the district for the thoughtful process and open communication and opportunity for public comment. Ms. Litteral is the Executive Director of Kid’s Country and stated they will adapt their summer camp programs to work with the new calendar.

Sarah Cranford Principal at California High School spoke on behalf of the high school principals and Cal High administration staff in support of the calendar change. Three reasons they support the change: positive impact of finals prior to winter break, 2 weeks between winter break and finals are spent reviewing information forgotten over break, starting school 6 days earlier would give 6 additional days to prepare for AP exams. In response to the concerns posed by the community, Ms. Cranford offered the following solutions. Performing art groups performances would conflict with finals; CHS music and drama would be willing to move their performances. Students taking AP tests would have only a few weeks between major tests; An informal poll of AP teachers indicates that only 1 teacher gives a final exam during finals all others either do not give a final or it is given following the AP exam. The SRVUSD administrators believe that the calendar change is in the best interest of all