Tulsa Race Massacre Research Paper

Words: 712
Pages: 3

The topic I have selected for this research paper is the Tulsa Race Massacre. Growing up in Oklahoma and going through Norman Public Schools, this event has been brought to my attention various times throughout my public education. I have a baseline understanding of the Tulsa Race Massacre, probably a little more than someone coming from another state, but I would like to dive deeper into this topic and this research paper provides me with that opportunity. The Tulsa Race Massacre was the largest riot against African Americans in the history of the United States, yet it still seems to not be much disused. It is a huge event in the history of the United States, along with the state that I was born and raised in, Oklahoma. Researching this topic …show more content…
This source comes from an article in a newspaper called “The Black Dispatch” that was written in 1921, just a couple days after the massacre. This article shows the perspective of African Americans during this time regarding the Tulsa Race Massacre. This article shows the frustration of the African American community during this time and it depicts the racial tension and injustice during this time period. This source will be useful for my research because it explains the events that occurred, it shows the frustration of the African American community, and it shows the deep background behind the …show more content…
This source is an interview with Kinney I. Booker, who lived through the Tulsa Race Massacre and the massacre had immense impacts on his life. This source gives a first-hand account of what actually occurred during the Tulsa Race Massacre. Booker’s interview depicts the brutal reality, his house was personally burned down by the white mob and they had to flee for their lives. When Booker discussed an interaction between his father and a white man his father worked for, it showed the way African Americans were treated during this time period. This source is useful for my research because it gives a first-hand account of the severity of the situation and it also gives a background to the racial tensions prior to the