Understanding Organisations And The Rol Essay

Submitted By Wilson_laura
Words: 1571
Pages: 7

Understanding Organisations and the role of Human Resources- 3HRC

Nwes provided a number of services across three entities, the three sectors of the business make up the company and supports its mission statement and Values “Encouraging Enterprise”
The three sectors include Services, Property and World of work.
Services initially provide direct support for clients who are looking to start up in self employment, offering free business advice and training. Property ties in well with services as we are able to offer clients who come to us for the support easy in, easy out tenancy in our premises across Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge and Essex, this gives them the opportunity to utilise professional offices for their new businesses.
Our third entity is World of Work, also known as WoW which is a charity enabling us to provide work experience and educational packages for students.

Our main customers are young entrepreneurs looking for business advice for their ideas, although we attract a large variety of customers. Business ideas can vary from high end Solicitors to garden and maintenance, therefore the courses we provide are generalised so that we are able to support everyone.
Nwes is a social Enterprise so that support we offer relies upon contracts that we win from either government or private entities. Either way we have to abide by guidelines, for example one contract we have recently gained is Start Up Loans, which is low rate loan for 18-30 year olds. Sometimes our customer base is restricted because of our contracts.

Nwes purpose is offering a range of business support covering Finance, Advice, Training and Premises in the East of England supporting anyone who would like help in starting or growing a business.
Nwes key objectives are to:
Provide independent, confidential, impartial business advice and training; access to finance; business premises and prepare young people for the world of work.
Play a significant role in encouraging enterprise and assisting with long term economic sustainability and growth, through the design, development and delivery of products and services.
Expand business development services to assist the growth of new and existing businesses.
Stimulate business education engagement, to shape the future work force.
Provide high quality business incubation space with added value to encourage enterprise.
Maintain and develop a professional service, meeting the appropriate quality standards.
Develop and manage an extensive network of partners for the benefit of NWES and our clients.
Nwes Values Encourage Enterprise
As a company Nwes has a reputation for integrity, delivery, independence and market leading service. This is based upon the strong values underpinning everything that they do. It is vital to the continued success of the company that we always embrace our values.

We believe in the dignity and worth of every individual. We treat everyone with fairness and respect.
We must outperform our competitors in being responsive to our client’s individual needs.
We are as good as our people, products and services. We are committed to superiority in quality, innovation and value.
We believe in open communication both within the company and with our clients.
We involve everyone in the company in setting our strategy, objectives and action plans.
We actively encourage new ideas and improvements on the way we do business.
We need to earn a surplus from contracts to meet our commitments to staff and ensure a healthy future for the company.
To remain competitive we will invest to improve productivity and performance.
We will deal with our debtors and creditors with integrity and fairness.
A career with NWES achieves personal satisfaction whilst enabling staff to lead a balanced life.
We will invest in the training and development of each of our staff.
We are stronger and wiser together than as individuals. We foster teamwork and