Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

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Pages: 3

According to Woodrow Wilson’s statement to congress in 1917,’’It is a fearful thing to lead this great peaceful people into war, into the most terrible and disastrous of all wars.’’ The great war started in 1914 and lasted till 1918. Throughout the war president Woodrow Wilson made it clear in both his presidential campaigns that he would keep the United States out of the war. However the United States was sending supplies to the allied side. Three years after the start of the war. The United States declares war on Germany. The United States decided to join the war and mobilize 4.4 million soldiers as a result of Germen unrestricted submarine warfare, and the Zimmerman Telegram.
Unrestricted submarine warfare was a German military tactic, which used the element of surprise to sink unsuspecting ships. Unrestricted submarine warfare destroyed many ships including passenger ships and cargo ships. These attacks also killed hundreds of innocent Americans, and put Wilson in an awkward situation. Wilsons options were to either go against his presidential
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The Zimmermann Telegram was originally planned to be sent from Germany to Mexico, although the British intelligence intercepted the telegram before it can reach Mexico and decoded it. According to the Zimmerman Telegram if Mexico agreed to ally with Germany, Germany would give back Texas, Arizona and New Mexico as a reward. Germany devised this plan to easily beat the United States if they ever decided to join the war. Germany’s strategy was to attack the United States east coast, and at the same time have Mexico attack around Texas giving the United States a hard time to fight both at the same time. The United States response to the telegram was sheer hatred and anger towards Germany, at that point majority of the United States wanted to go to war just for the fact Germany tried to turn Mexico against its