Vaping E-Cigarettes Research Paper

Words: 315
Pages: 2

Kinley Versey Mrs. Harker ELA 6/7th Argumentative Essay 7 March 2024 Vaping E-cigarettes can put people in the hospital for the rest of their lives, and most of the people who die from vaping are teens and young adults. The first successful electronic cigarette was created in Beijing, China by Hon Lik. Vaping started to become a problem around 2007. Vaping is harmful because it can damage your lungs and cause heart disease. E-cigarettes can damage your lungs and hurt you physically and mentally. For instance, according to the American Lung Association, "E-cigarettes produce several dangerous chemicals including acetaldehyde, acrolein, and formaldehyde. An e-cigarette can damage your lungs by inhaling the dangerous chemicals. In summary, e-cigarettes