Viking Argumentative Essay

Words: 318
Pages: 2

Buddy you're a Viking make a big noise

Sailing in the sea gonna be a Norseman some day

You got blood on your face

With an axe and a mace

Raiding England, France and all over the place


We will we will sack you

We will we will sack you

Buddy you're a young seafaring warrior

Coming from Scandanavia gonna take on the world some day

You raid monastaries and villages

with lightening speed

takin your rowing ships all over the place

We will we will sack you


We will we will sack you

Buddy your ship hold 300 warriors

Wearing helmets and wooden shields and scary names

You got warlike gods

no unified government

but you have explorers all over the place

We will we will sack you

We will we will sack you

