Walkers Crisps Essay

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Pages: 21


In this report we will be looking at Walkers smiths’ long standing market leadership in UK’s crisp industry and the reasons behind their successful marketing strategies in recent years especially after their acquisition by PepsiCo; a global food giant.
This report should trace walkers’ strategies on corporate and business level by following a world class performance framework by employing world class manufacturing processes and market research and promotional strategies, working at the same time on their core competencies, internal resources and capabilities by scanning, monitoring and assessing various external environmental factors. Also to what extent their manufacturing strategies and response to a fast growing food
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Walkers’ management has taken strategic decisions to position their crisps among their competitors as environmentally friendly by reducing their brand’s carbon foot print in 2007 by moving to 100% British potatoes. This strategic move wins them double points as an environmentally friendly company by reducing their food miles, but also a popular contender of using local food which is in today’s health wise more aware market and consumers consider an automatic plus point for any food business. Figure 5
Walkers tried to bring an active awareness of water resources used in the company by providing valuable training to their employees in their plants. In their Leister (UK) plant they claim to have reduced the water intake per kilo on walker products by 42% in 2001 and 2007.
Sources: (PepsiCo)

Markets, products and services
Walker's is a world class performer for many reasons. It is the largest crisp manufacturer in the UK and has a share of 47% of the British crisp market using a whopping 800 tonnes of potatoes to produce 10 million bags a day Walker's is a gigantic brand.
Walker’s has a huge list of the products under its name, the current flavours and varieties permanently available (i.e. non seasonal) are:
Walker's “flat crisps”
• BBQ Rib
• Cheese & Onion
• Pickled Onion
• Prawn Cocktail
• Ready