Western Sahara Research Paper

Words: 463
Pages: 2

But how did it all start?

91 years before, In 1884, Spain colonizes the region now known as the Western Sahara, this is where the conflict started. After 50 years, in 1934, the Western Sahara becomes a Spanish province and becomes known more as the Spanish Sahara. (Historyworld.net.) As I mentioned in the beginning, arrangements have been made between Spain and France to divide the territory. France was given the freedom of act in the whole country of Morocco. Whilst Spain basically, took over the southern region known as the Western Sahara. (Historyworld.net.) It all started when the Sanhaja Berber nomads were believed to have started migrating into the area of modern-day Western Sahara, around 1,000 BC, becoming the first inhabitants of the
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By the eighteenth century, a certain degree of stability was introduced into the region of Saguiat el Hamra, today's northern part of Western Sahara. However not for a long period of time. (forcedmigration.org)
The new colonial period started, Spain's initial interest in Western Sahara was driven by the desire to protect its nearby Canary Islands, which were also a region, they colonized. (forcedmigration.org)
Until the late 1930s, Spain's rule in Western Sahara was restricted to a limited presence along the coast. It did not progress much into the interior or meddle with the affairs of the Saharawi tribes, in the western Sahara. Relations with the new rulers were fairly reasonable. (forcedmigration.org)
In other words, as long as the Spanish didn't interfere with the decisions taken by the Sahrawi tribes in the region, they were no conflicts between the two parties. Until 1934, when Spain finally take full possession of its colony, calling the region the Spanish Sahara, as it was known worldwide in that era of time.