What Are Wilfrid Laurier's Major Accomplishments

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Wilfrid Laurier has made many huge accomplishments in our country; he was elected in 1887 Canada’s first French-Canadian prime minister. Firstly Wilfrid was elected in 1817 after overthrowing Edward Blake as ‘Leader of the Liberal Party’ nine years later he was elected prime minister if Canada at the age of 56.Secondly, Laurier had begun the construction of the transcontinental railway in 1903 and during the time period again in 1904 Laurier was re-elected for the third time. Thirdly after bringing Alberta and Saskatchewan to confederation and being re-elected for the fourth time Wilfred’s success had started to drop, after his Naval service bill in 1910 he popped a reciprocity agreement with the states in 1911 he had gotten a harsh response