What Caused The American Revolution Research Paper

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Pages: 3

Causes of the American Revolution “There, I guess King George will be able to read that.” John Hancock said at the signing of the Declaration of Independence. But before the Declaration of Independence was signed, many other events led to the freedom of America. Trouble with the Native Americans, British acts, and the publishing of Common Sense all led to the American Revolution.
Native Troubles
Ever since the first settling of New England, colonists have had troubles with Native Americans. In 1754, The French and Indian War had begun. The war lasted nine years, although many refer to it as The Seven Years War. This war proved to be very costly for the British who helped the colonists fight. Britain’s taxes were raised, but that was not enough. Britain needed to pay for the war and someone needed the money. This led to taxes being raised and it began to unsettle the colonists. When the war
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The Declaratory Acts allowed British Parliament, the British Government, to make laws. This let the Townshend Acts be put in place. The Townshend Act taxed lead, glass, paint, tea, and other things. This bothered colonists because they felt that it was “taxation without representation”. Colonists loved their tea and believed this was enough. On December 16, 1773, they threw 342 chests of tea overboard in a demonstration of protestation called The Tea Party. After this event, the English parliament needed to redeem its control over the colonies and created another set of acts called The Intolerable Acts. These laws acted as a sort of punishment and prevented ships in and out of the Boston port, causing severe economic damage. The quartering act, which meant that if a British soldier wanted to live in your house, you would have to take care of him. These various acts brought the colonies together in a moment of anger, bringing themselves even closer to The American