Why Is Men Important In The Great Gatsby

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In the novel The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is set in New York in the 1920s, also known as the time period people refer to as the “Roaring 20s”. The “author” of the book who is also the narrator, Nick Carraway, becomes friends with Jay Gatsby, a rich man who throws raging parties and who is in love with Nick’s cousin, Daisy Buchanan, who is married to Tom Buchanan, who is also rich. Being rich was extremely important to men like Tom, because it put people at the top of the social stratosphere. Back then, people thought that being at the top was the most important thing in their lives, but they were wrong. Today, some people still think that being popular or having lots of money was super important, that that’s what made them special. They’re wrong. They just don’t understand that the importance of money or awesome parties isn’t what defines them, it’s who they are as a person and what they do (positively) to other people is what makes them special. If people think that being the center of attention or having as many boyfriends as possible is what is important, then they need to sort …show more content…
They would treat women like objects, not people. No matter how wrong it was/is, some men don’t seem to think that women have any value, when in truth, we do. Fitzgerald wrote Tom Buchanan hitting a women and not caring. “Daisy! Daisy! Daisy!” Shouted Mrs. Wilson. “I’ll say it whenever I want to! Daisy! Dai-- (Fitzgerald 125) (Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. New York: Scribner, 2004. Print)” He hit the women he was having an affair with. That seems to prove the point that men don’t respect women. Back then, and now it sometimes, men seem to think that status and money come before anything that requires being kind to anyone besides anyone in their social status group. Status seemed so important to men and women, then and