Women And Flexibility In The Workplace

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Pages: 5

Women and Flexibility in the Workplace
Gina Carithers
Michael Burton
December 17, 2012

Women and Flexibility in the Workplace The focus of this paper is to evaluate factors that have affected women`s pay in the workforce. The analysis of historical factors affecting women`s flexibility in the workplace as a continuous social and structural issue is added to the paper to explain the need for change because of the demands that accompany working female caregivers in the home. Historical and statistical data is provided to validate the issues surrounding unequal pay scales women commonly experience in the workplace. A hypothesis is developed to suggest the type`s of change that women hope to see take place in the
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Other more serious issues are reported due to working moms. One study reports, “In examining 20 years of data for 89,000 children between the ages 7-17, the study concludes that children of working mothers are significantly more likely to experience accidents and sickness like asthma. What's most surprising is that these health episodes, whether hospitalizations, asthma attacks, or injuries and poisonings increase by nearly 200 percent when mom works” (Jeter, 2011). Other problem arises because of separation issues that result from a loss of the quality and quantity of family time. It is obvious that working women need a more flexible work schedule that is considerate to the needs outside of the work environment.
Hypothesis for the Future Workplace for Women In the next ten years women will continue to work, raise children, and care for the home. The methods of arranging time for everything will change because a balance between work and home will change by employers rethinking the value of work instead of time spent at work. The use of modern technology such as the BlackBerry, virtual assistants, video conferencing to name just a few greatly reduces the amount of time a person is required to travel or interact in the business world. On-site childcare will replace the need to seek childcare elsewhere and allow working mothers the flexibility to interact with children throughout