9/11 Short Stories

Words: 738
Pages: 3

It was a normal lunch for everyone at school, except Sarah. She was pale and sweaty. Her food was barely touched. Her head was down under the table, examining the presentation she wrote again and again. “Hey,” said Jayme, Sarah’s best friend. “It’s ok. I’m sure you’d do fine! Take it easy and eat some food!” Sarah sighed and held her spoon. The worst thing that could ever happen to her has happened. She had to give a presentation to science class. Sarah dipped her spoon into her food and took a sliver. “I’m not sure, Jayme. I know I’ve been practicing for weeks now, but you know I have stage fright.” Sarah told Jayme. “Plus, you have a doctor’s appointment”! So you won’t be there to help me!” Jayme looked at her friend and gave her an assuring …show more content…
You’ve already read your presentation paper a thousand times, girl! You even memorized it, just in case you lost the paper too. I’m sure you’ll do great, even without me, Sarah,” she said. Just then, the bell rang. Lunch was over, and it was time for Sarah to go to her science class. “Wish me luck.” Sarah whispered to Jayme as she waved goodbye. Sarah went into her class and sat in her seat, full of mixed emotions and complex thoughts. What if I mess it all up and fail the presentation? What if I get a bad grade because of this? What will my classmates think of me? What if they start to tease me? What if-” Just then, her thoughts were interrupted by her teacher, Ms. Johnson, speaking loudly to her class. “Class,” she said, “today there will be a presentation by Sarah.” Sarah gulped. This was the moment she’d been worrying about since last week. Now, it is happening in real life. The “Sarah” is a sham. Please come out here and tell us about your presentation.” Her teacher said this as she pointed to a spot at the front of the classroom. Sarah stood up from her seat with her presentation paper and walked slowly to the front of the classroom. Her legs were wobbly, and her whole body was shaking in