Should Holocaust Be Allowed To Study In Schools

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Pages: 3

The Holocaust is a traumatizing and horrific event that killed over 6 million people. In 1939, one of the most horrific events took place known as the Holocaust, in which Hitler tried to conquer as many European countries as possible. A group known as the Nazis led by Hitler targeted mainly Jews but also homosexuals, gypsies, people with disabilities, and anyone who tried to help one of the groups that they were targeting. Eventually in 1945 the Holocaust came to an end due to allied forces, but sadly 6 million people were still tragically killed at concentration camps. The Holocaust would be beneficial to study in school because, students should learn who true heroes are, they should learn to have sympathy for those who suffered, and learn for future generations not to make the same mistakes.

Learning about the Holocaust is influential to modern day history because it teaches what a true hero is. In “The Diary of Anne Frank” Anne and her Jewish family hide in an attic for 2 years after being hunted by the Nazis. Anne states how much the people helping them are risking their lives for Anne and her Jewish family “Mr. Kraler,Miep,Dirk,the vegetable man, all
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In the excerpt from “Night” Moshe, the beadle changed drastically after returning from the incident of the Nazis. During Moishe’s return he wasn't the same as he was after he was trying to warn the people of Galicia that didn't believe him “Moshie was not the same, the joy in his eyes was gone,he no longer mentioned god,he only spoke of what he saw.” The people of Galicia should have believed all of Moishes warnings because if they had listened people would have died. Similar to today's world, people need to start listening to the global warnings before it harms us even more. Nevertheless, World War 2 is important to learn about in school so people can learn to have sympathy for the people