The Veldt Short Story

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Pages: 3

Is The Impact Of Escapism Through Technology Helpful Or Harmful? Technology is the only way people use it to avoid stress. Brandon Swenson, communications manager on the University of Arkansas Grantham’s editorial board, wrote “The Good, The Bad, The Ugly,” an article stating the pros and cons of technology. He wrote “Escapism is the tendency to distract oneself from real-life problems. It can also be conceived as shutting meanings out of one’s mind and freeing oneself from self-awareness for a while.” “The Veldt,” a short story by Ray Bradbury, is about a family living in a technologically advanced home called a HappyLife Home that provides everything for them. Parents George and Lydia Hadley spoil their children and give them everything they …show more content…
When Swenson said “Social media alone has had a dramatic impact on feelings of self-worth, success, and inclusion and belonging, and those feelings carry into our real worlds,” he explains how social media easily influences people and lets it control their lives. Using technology or social media with boundaries is not an issue, using it excessively without the boundaries is unhealthy, especially with a younger and more impressionable audience. Nevertheless, with technology, people can have anything they want or need at their fingertips. In “The Veldt,” George Hadley said “‘Not only for your own son and daughter, but for yourself when you feel like a quick trip to a foreign land, a quick change of scenery. Well, here it was’” George described the nursery, and how it changed to whatever they imagined (Bradbury). Brandon Swenson stated, "Technology allows us to keep working, communicating, going to school, shopping, going to doctor or therapy appointments, playing games, and staying aware of current events.” One of the few advances of technology is it allows us to stay connected all the time. Because technology is advanced in both situations, it does much of the work for