1.1 Explain The Importance Of Infection Control Policies And Procedures In Research

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Pages: 2

Organisations lead a key role when regulating procedures in the prevention and control of infections in a health and social care setting.
An employer's duty is defined by the ability to provide PPE, equipment, to organise training for new members of staff, to undertake regular risk assessments and to generally be responsible for the health and safety for the staff in the working environment. Health and safety laws and regulations outline that employers have to ensure a safe workplace for all the staff as well as provide the required PPE, training and information for the staff.
By informing all staff about infection control policies, procedures and updating them on key instructions ensures that they are able to follow all necessary advice in order to conduct safe practices whilst adhering to the law. My workplace provides all infection control policies and procedures, the
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Risk assessments should be carried out in order to assess the potential dangers of certain activities whilst working. They have responsibility when putting strategies in place to create an orderly working environment, which in turn minimises and can eradicate risks. PPE should be provided free of charge and refresher updates should be constant on infection control.
Precautionary measures should be taken by employees in the case of preventing and controlling the spread of infection in the workplace; this involves protecting myself, looking out for other staff, visitors and individuals. The legislations and regulations that relate to the prevention of infections include the Health and Safety at Work Act (HASAWA), the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) and the Reporting of Injury, Disease and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR). Employees should be aware of these regulations so that they can work