10 commandments Essay

Submitted By rencreque
Words: 640
Pages: 3

Renee Creque
Period 4
Ten Commandments

I selected this movie mainly because of my own personal preferences, and the fact that I only heard part of the story when I was in elementary school. Another reason would be because I wanted to see how they would pull off certain things that happen during Moses’ journey with God’s people, for example the parting of the red sea, it looked pretty realistic in my opinion. The movie is set in 1446 B.C. and takes place in Egypt. The theme of the movie is basically to trust in God and that most of the time what we think we need we actually only want and there is a huge difference between needing something and wanting something. There were a lot of times when the people lost faith and doubted Moses. But God always came through with what they needed for example when the people were hungry God made it rain mana, a bread like substance. For some reason no matter how much God did for them they still doubted and went against his will, the Ten Commandments and they were always fighting over if they really should believe that God picked Moses. The second theme would be to always do what you feel is right because in the movie Moses didn’t think it was right what the pharaoh was doing to the Jewish. Whenever he had the chance to take a stand he would. I also thing that the second theme would be to follow God’s word, which is the 10 commandments so many people went against them for example when Moses comes back from Mount Sinai he throws Gods word because the people went against it and were worshiping false gods. The people started fighting over whether or not Moses could really heat God or not, and the started fighting with one another and killing each other. The third theme would be is to be thankful, a perfect example of this would be the mana again because after a while the people started to complain about how that’s all they were getting when God gave them exactly want they needed. The movie affected me a little personally because it gave me a little more insight on Moses’ journey. My religion has a lot to do with the Ten Commandments and I respect them. But the movie really made me think about how much of a struggle it must have been to have all those people watching you, doubting, waiting for you to make a mistake.