10 Major Events For History Essay example

Submitted By tanichols
Words: 896
Pages: 4

Tara Nichols
1 April 2015
Ten Major Events in History
1. The crucifixion of Jesus:
Jesus Christ is the central figure of Christianity who was nailed to a cross by Roman soldiers. This is recorded in Matthew 27:27-56, Mark 15:21-38, Luke 23:26-49, and John 19:16-37. I think that they thought that Christ's death would provide the perfect sacrifice for the sins of all mankind. Jesus died on the cross so everyone has the chance to go to Heaven. That event makes the cross one of the defining symbols of Christianity. On the Christian Holy Day known as Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, Christians commemorate the passion, or suffering, and death of Jesus Christ on the cross. I am saved because of God’s grace and by the crucifixion of Jesus Christ that allows all my sins to be forgiven; so this event is very important to me and many other Christians.
2. Easter:
After Jesus was crucified, his body was placed in a tomb. A large stone covered the entrance and soldiers guarded the sealed tomb. Christians believe, according to Scripture, that Jesus came back to life, or was raised from the dead, three days after his death on the cross. This event is what we celebrate as Easter. On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and it is typically the most well-attended Sunday service of the year for Christian churches.
3. The making of tools:
The making of tools started in the Paleolithic Age. The new tools had to make working life much easier. Over the years tools became more advanced and more useful. Since the people of the Paleolithic Age are known as hunters and gathers, the making of tools was really useful to them because tools were eventually weapons used to kill and clean animals to supply some of their food source.
4. The beginning practice cultivating crops:
The practice of the cultivation of crops started around ten thousand years ago. There is no doubt that the first farmers used simple techniques, and knew very little about what they were doing. This event is important because without the cultivation of crops, everybody would still be hunters and gathers, and many people would be starving to death.
5. The use of metals:
This occurred between 4000 and 3000 B.C.E. During this time people learned to cast metal in molds to produce tools and weapons. These tools and weapons would be stronger and more durable than the wooden and stone tools and weapons used before. Without the casting of metal to make tools and weapons, things would much different in the way we live today.
6. Invention of the Mayan Calendar:
The Mayan calendar was one of the first attempts by people to keep some sort of history record. Without the invention of the calendar we would not be able to even celebrate a birthday or Christmas. Without the event of the invention of the Mayan calendar, we probably would not even have a time of year, month, or day.
7. The first writing systems:
It was during the later stages of the agricultural revolution that the first writing systems were created in various regions of the world. The first successful efforts were apparently achieved in Mesopotamia and Egypt. Without a writing system there would be no such a thing as history, because there would be no records of any history. Also, without writing systems throughout the world, everybody would be lost, therefore it is a very important