16 Year Olds Pros And Cons

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Pages: 2

Argumentative Essay Practice Would you believe me if I were to say that there are mass movements of 16 year olds demanding lower voting ages? Well the answer is that . But this might not exactly be the case in a way that 16 year olds live under American laws and therefore pay taxes and should be able to vote like every other law abiding citizen that votes.
First, the brain is still maturing. According to researchers from Dartmouth College, they have scanned an 18 tear old brain and results showed that even at 18 people are faced with new cognitive, social, and emotional challenges and that, "The brain of an 18-year-old college freshman is still far from resembling the brain of someone in their mid-twenties,"(Gaird). This means that the brain will reach adulthood much later than traditionally thought, and might even request to RAISE the voting age. This also might lead to the suggestion that youngsters below 25 are easily influenced by their surroundings. “If the voting age is
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But, research done by Electoral Reform Society shows that if 16-18 year olds turned out in the same proportion as the 18-24 age group, there would be virtually no effect on turnout. Even if not one 16-18 year old voted, overall turnout would drop by only 2%. So isn’t this just a waste? Another research done by Electoral Reform Society explains that the lowest age group always produces the lowest turnouts, which is not a great result since low turnouts will not display a good image toward our country. To sum up, voting is business that affects directly to the future of the country, and therefore cannot be easily taken. Newest researches show results that the brain is actually not done developing until mid-twenties for an American, it might even suggest to raise the voting age for the USA. Therefore, voting ages should most definitely not be lowered to the age of