1800-1860: The Evolution Of Technology And Transportation

Words: 679
Pages: 3

During the time period 1800-1853 the United States was in the process of Westward expansion and settlement. Events such as the Louisiana Purchase, Mexican secession, the purchase of Florida and the annexation of Texas provided the United States with a huge mass of land for growth and expansion. This mass of land inspired revolutionary evolutions in technology and transportation that supplemented the expansion effort. The evolution of technology and transportation expanded opportunities in Northern and Western areas while preserving Southern continuity during the period 1800-1853. Technological developments during 1800-1853 propelled opportunities in Northern and Western areas. The Lowell Offering (Doc 4) glorified the opportunities that became available for women in the North as a result of the creation of factories. During this time period Northern states such as New England, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania began developing factories. The factory owners however experienced difficulty with finding workers. As a result of this textile mills in Lowell, Massachusetts employed women. Other factories soon imitated this employing women and providing them with opportunities that they didn’t have before. Document six celebrated the Westward expansion that was stimulated by …show more content…
Document Five reinforced the idea that technological advancements supplemented the continuity of Southern societal patterns. Eli Whitney's cotton gin lowered the cost of producing cotton fiber. This lowered cost of production and maximized the profit achievable from producing cotton. This increase to profit from cotton farming reinvigorated cotton farming across the South which increased the need for slaves to work these plantations. This supplemented the continuity of the Southern way of life utilizing slaves as a labor