1820 To The Great Compromise In The United States

Words: 448
Pages: 2

The United States of America went through countless years of compromise, such like the Three-Fifths Compromise, Missouri Compromise of 1820 to the Great Compromise. The basic definition of a compromise is the agreement between two opposing parties to reach to an agreement, giving both sides some ground to settle disputes going on between the two parties. The system of checks and balances more than often result in dramatic oppositions between the legislative, executive and judicial branches of United States government. The checks and balances system encourages compromise by trying to avoid disagreements between judges and executive members.
Compromise allowed the government to find the ideal balance between multiple political extremes. Compromises has proven to be extremely effective at preventing the rise of tyranny in America and without it, the US government would not continue cohesively. The rejection of the Senate to ratify the Treaty of
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The northern states wanted to limit slavery but the southern states wanted more slave states. There was controversy between the two houses on the issue of slavery and the inclusion of Maine and Missouri on the same bill. Both houses agreed to the compromise by forbidding slavery north of the parallel 36º30’ and the south received another slave state at the cost of limiting future slave states from the south. The negative impact of this is that the free states felt that they lost more in the compromise and felt embittered. Slavery was still in full effect but hemmed into a smaller portion of the nation. This compromise only led to the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 which forbid slavery in territories that were made unconstitutional in the Dred Scott case. This made the anti-slavery states angry to which the Civil War was bound to happen. Although our government is very heavily dependent on compromise, in some