1984 By George Orwell: Literary Analysis

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Pages: 5

In the novel 1984 by George Orwell a main topic that stands out in the literature is how politics in a negative utopia can make or break the way a society thrives as a whole. Any government can either lead the world to being a joyous and better place or it can bring society into utter chaos. In 1984, politics have taken control of everything. In this negative utopia, free choice is abolished by the government's ministries through the invasion of privacy, the deletion of history records and the outlawing of love. The intrusive methods that the Party, the government in 1984, uses are shocking to a reader of the 21st Century as it violates one's personal rights. A person in this alternative year of 1984 is under complete surveillance at every moment of their life. The Party lets it be known to all that Big Brother is always watching everyone and that if one commits a crime …show more content…
It allows leaders to see previous mistakes and to learn from them to in turn make the world a better place. When history becomes a lie or is altered in books and journals, that is when the society suffers as a whole, whether it be physically or mentally. In the novel, the party falsifies records to their favor to gain as much control as they can over society. This is done by them for the sole purpose to control society members and to squelch their thought process. Winston realized this and told Julia, his companion, that the past was constantly being erased and rewritten like the past was a journal and the Party a man with a pencil. History is one of the aspects the party uses to control society and this fact highlights how awful it would be to live in this type of society. This is the reason why Winston feels helpless and whatever he does to change history it will be erased no matter how hard he tries. He will eventually forget the past as it was and he can not do anything to stop it from happening. Everything is being destructed right before his