1984 Character Analysis

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Pages: 4

While some characters are considered minor their impact is anything but unimportant. It tends to be the people we recognize the least who have the biggest impact overall. This is why authors such as Orwell are able to use Character like O’Brien and Charrington to move the character development along. While you might not recognize their impact right away. In the novel, 1984 by George Orwell, Julia who appears to have selfish beliefs shifts her views on freedom after Charting gives her a safe space, and O’Brien shifts her view on love after he tortures her.
Early on in the book Julia does not see a reason to fight for freedom, but believes firmly in love. To Julia an organization such as the Brotherhood whose intent is to revolt against the party
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To her, freedom was “[keeping] the small rules” so “you could break the big ones”(Orwell 129). Julia doesn't believe in associating herself with organization such as the Brotherhood because she thinks their pointless and they have no direct impact on her life. She has her own freedom by indulging in some of the perks that the party is trying to keep her from. To Julia this is truly freedom, however in reality it's survival. Although Julia is not a firm supporter of freedom, she does tend to think with her heart. Even from the beginning Julia has so much confidence in love, she risk her life just to pass a note to Winston which read “I love you”(Orwell 108). Her faith in love persisted when she and Winston talk about the consequences of the party finding out about their love affair. Winston claims that confession is not the worst thing the party can make them do, but make them stop loving one another is. Julia trust that “they can't …show more content…
After months of staying in the privacy of the secret room Charrington has graciously provided, Julia decides to indulge in more forbidden delights such as :“ ‘Real sugar’ ”, “ ‘real coffee’ ”, and “ painting] her face”(Orwell 141-142). To some this may seem as just another rebellious act by Julia, however by indulging in simple delights such as good coffee or sugar Orwell provide a shift in her beliefs. In the begging Julia would never have risk exposure to the party for something as trivial as good food and makeup, but by spending time in the room Carrington has provided, he has given Julia a space to experience real freedom which drives her to want more. No longer is Julia okay with surviving, but yet she wants to truly indulge in all aspect of freedom not juts the big things but the small indulgences as well. With this new desire for freedom her views on organized rebellion start to change as well. For instance, Julia starts to talk about “engaging in active rebellion”(Orwell 152). Earlier on in the book Julia couldn't understand why anyone would support organization such as Big Brother because she just saw them as lost cause that were bound to fail. But due to Mr.Charrington allowing them to rent out the room, she gets to experience an oasis of privacy and freedom to feel, do, and be whatever she wants. She starts to realize