1984 Hiroshima Bombing Essay

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Pages: 3

Hiroshima and Nagasaki were both calamitous air strikes that left thousands of people perished and with brutal trauma. In George Orwell’s novel, 1984, the government produced mini air strikes to induce fear into the citizen’s mind so the government could feed off that fear. The bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and 1984 both have segments of divergence and parallel structures. At 8:15 A.M on August 6, 1945, 80,0000 people died immediately upon the bombed dropped on Hiroshima. Three days later another atomic bomb was released on Nagasaki, killing 40,000 people instantly, others were left with severe burns and disease due to the radiation exposed from the bomb. The United States wanted to force World War II to a stop as soon as possible, …show more content…
Like Big Brother, the United States used bombs to send fear into citizens to show they’re powerful, though the atomic bombs were much more destructive than the rocket bombs. When the bomb was dropped it sent people into a frenzy of terror and panic, unlike the citizens of Oceania. In Hiroshima the damaged spread all the way to 4,400 from where the bomb landed, and in Nagasaki it destroyed 5,300 feet from where the bomb landed. More than 262,000 people died from either the bomb itself or the burns caused from the bomb. The most severe illness from the radiation was vomiting and nausea which occurred 1-2 hours after being exposed to the radiation. “It was concluded that persons exposed to the bombs at the time of detonation did show effects from ionizing radiation and that some of these patients, otherwise uninjured, died,” Kenzaburo Oe of Atomicarchive states. Even though the atomic bombs were more deadly than the rocket bombs from 1984 they both had the same effect: to show power and control. President Truman had no other choice to drop the bombs, where’s Big Brother drops the rocket bomb’s to control. Even though the bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima were more deadly than the rocket bombs, they both were dropped to scare