1984 Love Quotes

Words: 762
Pages: 4

In 1984, George Orwell writes “No emotion was pure, because everything was mixed up with fear and hatred. Their embrace had been a battle, the climax a victory. It was a blow struck against the Party. It was a political act” (126). In this quote, the two lovers, Julia, a twenty six year old woman who works in the Ministry of Truth, and Winston, have met in a clearing in a wooded park. That clearing has no microphones or cameras, as Julia has carefully chosen. Though Julia does not openly rebel in her normal daily routine, she is definitely against the Party and that’s what Winston finds so compelling about her. The two of them make love in the private wooded area. Winston’s thoughts reveal that this wasn’t just an act of love or …show more content…
Winston’s and Julia’s encounter in the park shows the power that they have over the Party with their love, even though they start with a mostly physical affair. This quote also shows their relationship as one that is mostly for rebelling against the Party. Winston is willing to risk trusting Julia as she chooses where to meet and continues this affair with him, just so he can make sure he is acting in some way against the Party. Julia is happy with this because she is also able to deceive the Party in some way and find a space for personal enjoyment. This quote explains that their relationship begins as just a physical affair so they can make sure they are striking blows against the Party and that they are acting on their thoughts. The two of them go through extremes to meet up and rebel, taking large risks. However, they don’t care about how far they are going as long as they are fighting against the Party and Big Brother. Also, the lengths that Julia and Winston have to go through to find a way to arrange a meeting in private show just how extreme the Party is in its oppression of the 1984