1984 Vs. Big Brother In George Orwell's 1984

Words: 351
Pages: 2

In 1949 about 35 years into the future, 1984 was written by George Orwell. The setting of this totalitarian society was in Oceania. Winston was a guy that doesnt like Big Brother. Orwell's message it's a brain wash because they make things seem the the opposite,”WAR IS PEACE ,FREEDOM IS SLAVERY,IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.” In 1984, Orwell is attempting to warn people about Big Brother.

Even having their back turned from the telescreen can reveal who they are. Winston and everybody else dont have privacy they cant do what they want because there getting watched at all times.“Winston kept his back turned to the telescreen.It was safer; though,as he well knew ,even a back can be revealing. Winston is getting looked at by the telescreen at all