A Character Analysis Of Beowulf As An Epic Hero

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Pages: 3

Beowulf is considered a hero for his people. He is known as an epic hero who is someone who does brave human actions. Hero’s like Beowulf come from many years ago. The bravery he shows fighting against the monsters show his high status, faith, courage and strength. The great hero, Beowulf, came to Hrothgar to tell the Danes he would relief them from their fears. He wanted to prove that he could be a hero like his family was. At Hrothgar’s feast Beowulf announced he would do a courages act which was to fight Grendel. As he announced it a Dane accused him of having a bad reputation. A Dane who was present at the ceremony was “doubting that he can best Grendel” (31). So Beowulf tells them a story, explaining that he was a by when he encountered sea monsters and how he was able to escape and kill nine of the them. He explained to them how he would bring glory to them with the death of Grendel. He talked about how they should not refuse him because “with the help of my men, may purge all evil from …show more content…
After many years passing he is now old but yet very determined to fight another monster. He knows he is old but attempts to “fight again, seek fame still…” (42). He is not scared and will do anything to keep away the fear in his people. Beowulf was giving the best he could to kill the dragon, knowing he may die doing it. He says, “For fifty winters: no neighboring people have tried to threaten the Geats, sent soldiers…” (46). Beowulf knew he did the right thing to protect his people and he was going to die happy. Even though Beowulf had a few flaws he was still a great king to the Geats by protecting them till his death. The characteristics Beowulf contains are what made him an epic hero. He was a true fighter who never gave up even during his weakest moments. Beowulf’s old aging days did not stop him from fighting. He was believed to haven his last battle and died a