A Critique Of Civil Disobedience By Henry David Thoreau Criticism

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Throughout history, the essay “Civil Disobedience” written by Henry David Thoreau continues to be important numerous years later. Henry David Thoreau, an author, poet, and an abolitionist. His writing focused mainly on nature and being yourself, better known as transcendentalism. The writing of “Civil Disobedience” took place during the Mexican-American War (1846-1848.) Thoreau was a major critic of this war, he believed that it shouldn’t be occurring. His disapproval for the way the government interfered with everything led to the writing of this essay. Thoreau’s essay inspired people in multiple time periods including the 1970s war-activists. Moreover, the same problems continue to be relevant today, there are countless numbers of people who don’t fully support the governments decisions. “Civil Disobedience” purpose for being written was to explain the problems with the government and inferring that people should be able to control their own lives. The essay was mainly directed towards the government in particular President Polk, but can also be towards common American citizens as a persuasion. Moreover, Thoreau being a critic of the war also influenced him to write. He blamed the government for getting involved in something unnecessary, leading …show more content…
One group in particular would be the anti-war activists. The anti-war activists consisted of a group that opposed military forces during conflicts. This group started becoming popular when the United States got involved with Vietnam, but it wasn’t until two years later that the antiwar movement began. The antiwar movement began when President Johnson ordered massive U.S. military involvement that sustained bombing of North Vietnam. The effects of this led to a peace movement which is a social movement that seeks to end wars, minimize human violence which includes banning guns